Thursday, April 25, 2013

How does professionalism impact design education?

The definition of professionalism is “the competence or skill expected of a professional”
A professional is when they studied and dedicated their life to designing. When I was faced with issues as a student I always remember what my professors said on how to handle the situation and to create multiple design and there is bound to be the best solution for the first step. That is an impact real professional leave in the education system they leave a piece of their knowledge and continue teaching student on how to become a professional designer. A professional teaches the minds of future designer and they must remember at all times what they say will stay with the student and guide them when they are on their own. When the design education was brought to light many judged the program and stated interior designers was just another word for interior decorators student s wanted to rebel but a professional designer helps the students deal with those types of critiques and use it to be more passionate about their career. When a student is being taught the design it should be expect most of the design students to have minimum or no experience in the program. The design education support future designers on teaching them from learning designing vocabulary to entering the mind of the client and seeing the space they want. Designing education has similar teaching method as high school they give you examples and start you off with the basics but you are constantly reminded of those basics throughout your education and soon you will know it like any other knowledge you’ve obtained over time. Soon professors let you control your own teaching methods and that shows student what kind of designer they are and see that becoming a designer will become as easy as breathing to them. Ready to be set into the real world bringing what their education taught them ready to influence other designers  and being seen as a professional interior designer.  


  1. I enjoyed how you related the professionalism of interior design vs decorating. It is always good to remember the basics. Professionalism starts day one.

  2. I think relating one to the other was a smart move because they do in fact, go hand-in-hand. Without good design education and implementing professionalism into it, future Designer's are going to have a tough time trying to find jobs in the real world especially if they are to act unprofessional!

  3. Speaking as a student and as a professional I can say that I also appreciate the time that people spend to get their education.

  4. I like how you mentioned about leaving a piece of knowledge behind, because I believe that every designer leaves some sort of design impression behind every time.

  5. Professionalism in interior design education and the professionalism of future designers are in separable. We all are as good as our instructors. The push and advancement in the education now given to interior design students is imperative for the professional success of the interior design field. Here's a link to a great blog that expands on this issue.
